Property Line Surveyors
What Are Property Line Surveys?
Land Surveying Incorporated provides property line surveying. Property line surveying is the process of measuring and mapping the boundaries of a piece of property. This is an important service for landowners, as it helps them to know exactly where their property lines are, which can be useful for legal purposes or in the event of a sale, a division of property, or prior to putting up a fence. Homeowners and landowners interested in property line surveying should contact a reputable land surveying company like Land Surveying Incorporated to schedule an appointment.
Use A Professional To Find Your Property Lines
Property boundary questions are best answered by a professional land surveyor. The property lines will be stated in the legal description for the lot, which is typically available through the County Clerk’s office. A property’s legal description could simply describe the property’s exact location as it exists on the plat map, or it may include specific details with precise measurements from a nearby reference point.
Translating a legal description to establish the physical boundaries on your property can be challenging if you’re not trained to do so. Many properties have hidden markers at the corners that, if found, can help you find your boundaries, but hiring a surveyor to establish these property lines would give you the most accurate answer.
Protect Your Property
Anyone who owns or plans to sell or purchase property should consider having a property line survey done. This includes homeowners, brokers, property managers, and business owners. A survey can help you avoid surprises and costly legal disputes down the road.
Contact us today to get started and learn more about our property line surveying services.
How The Survey Is Performed
Performing a property line survey can be a complex process, but it is important to ensure that the boundaries of your property are correctly identified. There are a few steps that are typically involved in a property line survey:
1. First, the surveyor will mark the corners of the property using metal stakes or flags.
2. Next, they will use a theodolite and other equipment to measure the angle and distance between each corner. This information is used to create a map of the property.
3. The surveyor will also inspect the property for any features that could affect the boundary lines, such as trees, fences, or buildings.
Ready To Start Your Project?
To find out more about how LSI can help you make your next project a success. Fill out our contact form or give us a call at 307-682-1661.